Palvelut Creatido
Palvelut – Creatido – Tiedolla johtaminen on parhaimmillaan kokonaisvaltainen ja yhteensitova johtamisfilosofia. Se on tapa ajatella, jäsentää ja hahmottaa ympäröivää maailmaa. Se on tapa kehittää ja luoda uutta. Se koskettaa koko organisaatiota. Creatidon tarinan taustalla on omakohtainen kokemuksemme asiakasorganisaatioidemme arjesta ja siitä kummunnut halu jakaa näitä oppeja ja kokemuksia laajemmin, mahdollistaen toivottavasti yhä useampien organisaatioiden toiminnan systemaattisen hallinnan, johtamisen ja kehittämisen entistä kompleksisemmassa ja nopeammin muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Pitkään markkinaa ja asiakkaiden tarpeiden kehitystä seuranneena, olemme pyrkineet ammatillisesti menemään entistä syvemmälle itse tiedolla johtamisen kehittämiseen organisaatioissa. Ketteriä spurtteja täytyy ottaa, jotta ravistellaan vanhaa ja opitaan uutta, saadaan nopeita voittoja ja pidetään innostusta yllä, mutta merkittävän lisäarvon mahdollistamiseksi taustalla tulee olla strategista, systemaattista, pitkäjänteistä ja kokonaisvaltaista tiedolla johtamisen kehittämistä. Tästä tarpeesta syntyi myös Creatido. Haluamme antaa tiedolla johtamisen avulla sekä itsellemme että asiakkaillemme kiireisen arjen keskellä myös aikaa ajatella ja unelmoida. Niinä hetkinä yleensä moni asia kirkastuu ja parhaat asiat syntyvät. Tämä perusajatus on vahvasti myös Creatidon arvopohjassa.”Maailma on kaunis ja hyvä elää sille, jolla on aikaa ja tilaa unelmille ja mielen vapaus” -Vexi Salmi. Lue lisää meistä: Haluatko tehdä yhteistyötä kanssamme? – Ota yhteyttä!
Our Services
We offer comprehensive services to support the development of knowledge-based management and to embed knowledge-based management as part of the organization’s operations
With the help of the strategic knowledge-based management service package, the organization begins its journey to become an insight-driven organization.
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Creatido® Maturity Analysis »
Knowledge-Based Management Strategy »
Knowledge Balance Statement »
Knowledge-Based Management Vision Workshop »
Design and Implementation of Service, Leadership and Development Models of Knowledge-Based Management »
With the help of data governance and management, your organization’s data is best harnessed to help business goals.
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Data Strategy »
Data Governance Models »
Information Product Management »
Enterprice Architechture Consulting »
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Dashboard Construction »
Action Oriented Reporting that Implements Strategy »
Solution Architechture Consulting »
Operational Models for Knowledge Utilization »
With the help of our knowledge-based management training services, your organization’s understanding and ability to lead with knowledge will develop.
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Creatido® Online Course »
Knowledge-Based Management Training »
Knowledge-Based Management Keynote Presentations »
Outsourced Knowledge-Based Manager -service (Creatido® Advisory) and Knowledge-Based Management Transformation Training »
Our services can be implemented with two different service models, either as a flexible CREATIDO® Advisory service or as conceptual solutions can be used as needed. We are flexible and help our customers with our Advisor service model, starting with the areas and operations that generate the most added value.
We are here to support you on your journey towards an insight-driven organization!
Contact us!
Building an organization that is led with knowledge requires a systematic and long-term development approach, which will gradually help you to grow into an insight-driven organization. Through strategic knowledge-based management you can develop your organization’s knowledge-based management maturity and abilities towards the defined target state. With Creatido strategic development services the developing work gets easier. To be able to improve knowledge leadership within organization it is crucial to identify its current state and what are the objectives and possessed strengths and weaknesses.
We have conceptualized a service package for strategic knowledge-based management that helps organizations to start a new, more focused phase on their journey towards an insight-driven organization. The package consists of measuring the starting point of the organization’s knowledge-based management maturity and creating a knowledge-based management strategy and a dynamic up-to-date process that observes said strategy, updates the knowledge-based management roadmap and measures the development of knowledge-based maturity.
The role of data in organizations’ strategic resource keeps getting more and more significant. Data can be integrated, governed and processed more and more efficiently through new technologies. The organizations operating on the cloud have an access to platforms that cover almost all required resources for managing a data pipe including analytic services.
The possibilities of generative artificial intelligence in knowledge-based management grow with exceptional speed and organizations have started piloting projects to connect their data as building bricks for new language models. However, technologies alone can’t solve all of the challenges organizations are facing and efficient data governance is needed.
The strategic and tactical governance of data refers to implementing methods and processes that connect business activities and knowledge creation and ensures the quality of data life cycle. With the help of data management and governance your organization’s data is harnessed to help achieving business goals.
The services related to knowledge-based-management solution design support the organization in transforming into an insight-driven organization. The services help connecting the people with knowledge so that the knowledge could lead to actual operative change.
It is common to develop data and analytic capabilities on technology- and data-driven basis. However, it would be highly beneficial to take a step forward from focusing on data alone towards a more strategic and action oriented creation of information products. This can be done through a process that explicitly defines the information and knowledge needs of different user groups and bases the reporting on these needs.
Operational models for knowledge utilization acts as a glue connecting the knowledge, organization’s management structure and practical activities. The goal of knowledge-based management model is to ensure that the right knowledge reaches the right people at the right time, so that at least theoretically people are aware how said knowledge should be used. We offer holistic solutions to incorporate knowledge as a part of everyday activities and leadership.
When it comes to knowledge-based management, we offer training and courses meeting all your needs. Our training services consist of conceptualized knowledge-based management training sessions (on-site or on digital platforms) with the emphasis on either basics, advanced or the development of knowledge-based management. Through our online training package you can educate your whole organization and improve the shared understanding of the basics of knowledge-based management. In addition, we offer customized training sessions and keynote presentations to meet your organization’s needs.
Knowledge-Based Management Training
Develop the common understanding and capabilities of knowledge-based management in your organization
Online Course
Enable the development of knowledge-based management capabilities of your whole organization’s personnel. Ask for availability in your language!
Keynote Presentations
Keynote presentations inspire, challenge and shake the audience from the perspective of knowledge-based management
On the journey towards an insight-driven organization you will face issues that an experienced knowledge-based management expert can identify and solve. In addition to hands-on support and exchange of ideas you will receive our insight on what would be the best operational model in each situation and what are the possible risks and opportunities that organization will probably face. With our recommendations you can avoid the risks from realization and gain all the benefits from opportunities.
Our CREATIDO® Advisory service offers an experienced knowledge-based management expert at your service with a fixed daily price. The expert will perform agreed tasks related to strategic knowledge-based management development. Creatido expert will act as your partner to support you on your journey to an insight-driven organization. Our expert can work either in your facilities or remotely on digital platforms.