Meistä – Creatido – Creatidon tarinan taustalla on omakohtainen kokemuksemme asiakasorganisaatioidemme arjesta ja siitä kummunnut halu jakaa näitä oppeja ja kokemuksia laajemmin, mahdollistaen toivottavasti yhä useampien organisaatioiden toiminnan systemaattisen hallinnan, johtamisen ja kehittämisen entistä kompleksisemmassa ja nopeammin muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Pitkään markkinaa ja asiakkaiden tarpeiden kehitystä seuranneena, olemme pyrkineet ammatillisesti menemään entistä syvemmälle itse tiedolla johtamisen kehittämiseen organisaatioissa. Ketteriä spurtteja täytyy ottaa, jotta ravistellaan vanhaa ja opitaan uutta, saadaan nopeita voittoja ja pidetään innostusta yllä, mutta merkittävän lisäarvon mahdollistamiseksi taustalla tulee olla strategista, systemaattista, pitkäjänteistä ja kokonaisvaltaista tiedolla johtamisen kehittämistä. Tästä tarpeesta syntyi myös Creatido. Haluamme antaa tiedolla johtamisen avulla sekä itsellemme että asiakkaillemme kiireisen arjen keskellä myös aikaa ajatella ja unelmoida. Niinä hetkinä yleensä moni asia kirkastuu ja parhaat asiat syntyvät. Tämä perusajatus on vahvasti myös Creatidon arvopohjassa.”Maailma on kaunis ja hyvä elää sille, jolla on aikaa ja tilaa unelmille ja mielen vapaus” Vexi Salmi
About Us
Leading expert in the development of knowledge-based management
Our dream at Creatido is to help our customers build insight-driven organizations. What this requires of us is that we have the best and most up-to-date knowledge and expertise in knowledge management itself.
We are passionate experts in knowledge-based management, that have a thirst for new knowledge – we are here for you.
– Creatido
Our People

Jani Listenmaa
(CEO, Founder)
Jan has more than 15 years and hundreds of assignments of practical experience in developing knowledge-based management in Finnish and international large and medium-sized companies and public sector organizations. Jani is one of Finland’s leading knowledge-based management consultants, coaches, speakers and trainers.
Jani’s expertise lies in building holistic knowledge-driven organizations, strategic development of knowledge-based management, knowledge leadership and knowledge utilization.
Juuse Montonen
A common thread in Juuse’s career has been to help clients understand the essence of knowledge-based management in their own context. Juuse has acted as lead consultant on dozens of demanding knowledge-based management development projects. Juuse has several years of experience in designing and implementing knowledge-based management strategies, structures, processes and service, management and development models.

Emma Kivimäki
(Knowledge-Based Management Consultant)
Emma has strong expertise in the holistic development of knowledge-based management and is responsible for the CREATIDO® Maturity Analysis service. Emma is an active trainer in knowledge-based management and has several years of teaching and training experience, including at Tampere University. Emma’s specific areas of expertise include a holistic insight on knowledge-based management and maturity framework, business analytics and strategic leadership in knowledge-based management. Emma is customer-centric and solution-oriented, and she holds great value in supporting customers on their knowledge-based management journey.
Nea Tuomikorpi
(Marketing and Project Coordinator)
Nea is studying for her Master’s degree in Information and Knowledge Management at Tampere University. She is interested in organizational culture and learning, internal process development and tacit knowledge sharing.

Our Partners
You don’t have to, and shouldn’t, do everything yourself. Our customers have access to our growing network of partners to ensure you get the best possible insight and experience on your journey to becoming a insight-driven organization. The need may be related to technology, data governance or organizational culture development, for example. We’ll find the right people to get the job done!
We want to be the company that top actors in the industry prefer to partner with!

Markus Ansamaa
Markus’s strongest area is the integration of data and business. He has worked on several data governance projects that have brought data into the everyday life of organizations, helping both public and private sector organizations to find ways to get the most value out of their data. With over 20 years of experience in the data field and a broad range of skills, Markus’ projects reflect his focus on relevant, value-adding content.
Juha Korpela
Juha has worked with all kinds of organizations, from small start-ups to international organizations. His core competencies include data modelling, information architecture, data product design and data management.

Jan-Erik Müller
Jan-Erik has a strong background in data and analytics and in leading analytics teams. He helps his clients in building and deploying modern data platforms, consulting on the use of Gen AI and BI, and acting as a data architect to support the client’s technical team.
We are also partners with Finland’s leading data, analytics, BI and IT houses, whose expertise we recommend as best suited to your situation.
Can we be of assistance?