Creatido – Tiedolla johtaminen on parhaimmillaan kokonaisvaltainen ja yhteensitova johtamisfilosofia. Se on tapa ajatella, jäsentää ja hahmottaa ympäröivää maailmaa. Se on tapa kehittää ja luoda uutta. Se koskettaa koko organisaatiota. Creatidon tarinan taustalla on omakohtainen kokemuksemme asiakasorganisaatioidemme arjesta ja siitä kummunnut halu jakaa näitä oppeja ja kokemuksia laajemmin, mahdollistaen toivottavasti yhä useampien organisaatioiden toiminnan systemaattisen hallinnan, johtamisen ja kehittämisen entistä kompleksisemmassa ja nopeammin muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Pitkään markkinaa ja asiakkaiden tarpeiden kehitystä seuranneena, olemme pyrkineet ammatillisesti menemään entistä syvemmälle itse tiedolla johtamisen kehittämiseen organisaatioissa. Ketteriä spurtteja täytyy ottaa, jotta ravistellaan vanhaa ja opitaan uutta, saadaan nopeita voittoja ja pidetään innostusta yllä, mutta merkittävän lisäarvon mahdollistamiseksi taustalla tulee olla strategista, systemaattista, pitkäjänteistä ja kokonaisvaltaista tiedolla johtamisen kehittämistä. Tästä tarpeesta syntyi myös Creatido. Haluamme antaa tiedolla johtamisen avulla sekä itsellemme että asiakkaillemme kiireisen arjen keskellä myös aikaa ajatella ja unelmoida. Niinä hetkinä yleensä moni asia kirkastuu ja parhaat asiat syntyvät. Tämä perusajatus on vahvasti myös Creatidon arvopohjassa.”Maailma on kaunis ja hyvä elää sille, jolla on aikaa ja tilaa unelmille ja mielen vapaus” -Vexi Salmi. Lue lisää meistä. Haluatko tehdä yhteistyötä kanssamme? – Ota yhteyttä!
Knowledge-Based Management
What is Knowledge-Based Management?
Knowledge-based management combines knowledge, technology, people and strategic management to serve the organization’s objectives. Knowledge drives dialogue, better decisions and action to optimize, innovate and seek future competitive advantage. Knowledge has value only when it leads to action.
Knowledge-based management enables organizations to derive value from knowledge.
Knowledge-based management is not just about managing knowledge, or even just about using knowledge in decision-making, but about supporting everyone’s work. Balanced knowledge-based management supports the management of management across different time horizons, covering management of the present, change and the future. In addition to the data generated by the business, the knowledge to be exploited includes the external data sources of the organization and, on the other hand, also strongly the internal, tacit knowledge of the organization. So when we talk about knowledge-based management, we are not just talking about data, but about knowledge in a broader sense.
Creatidon's philosophy of knowledge-based management
An organization is a complex, socio-technical system whose veins of knowledge pulsate in close symbiosis with its key components, such as management, culture, people, customers, products and services.
Every organization, its function, actor or environment produces information. In order to derive significant added value from knowledge, it is necessary to determine which knowledge best serves each organizational objective and management function. There is also a need to be interested in what other knowledge can be used or existing knowledge can be used in other ways, and what new value could be added.
To ensure that knowledge is not left untapped, we need not only an effective structure but also motivated people who work together in an open, tolerant and trusting atmosphere. Such an atmosphere is the only one in which people genuinely surrender to the debate, put their tacit knowledge at the disposal of others without reservation, seek new things and improve the old.
Comprehensive knowledge management enables the effective management, development and optimization of the organization’s activities. It increases the human capital of the organization and creates the conditions and courage for knowledge-based innovation, which are the prerequisites for long-term competitive advantage.
Why is knowledge-based management needed?
In recent years, knowledge management has risen strongly to the heart of organisational operations, management and development. This has been driven by accelerating technological advances, the growth of data and the significant increase in analytics capabilities.
- The amount of data is growing, but its use is not embedded in the organization’s operations
While the volume of data and new technologies are creating opportunities for organizations, the benefits will only be realized when data management is implemented holistically. In many cases, data management focuses mainly on technological development and data management is at worst a disconnected project. Such developments typically fail to achieve significant impact, as the link to operations and knowledge exploitation is lost. Developing a culture of people and knowledge management requires change management. - Reports for reports’ sake or the right information at the right time in the right way
The above mantra is familiar to many, but practical implementation remains one of the key challenges related to data. In order to make reports serve the needs of organizations, it is not only data management and data governance that is needed, but also data governance and, more specifically, the creation of data governance structures. It is important to identify which management needs should be met and how information will be used. By taking into account the information needs of the organization and its business processes when developing reports, reporting can be made much more supportive of business activities. - Short-sightedness is a threat
For an organization to thrive, or even stay afloat, it is vital to understand where you are and where you are going. For an organization, this requires asking questions to analyze the current situation and trends, both internally and externally. From a technical perspective, of course, quality data and data analytics, and possibly predictive analytics methods, are needed, but at the same time, the development of other foresight capabilities is also essential to ensure that the organization uses the available information in a systematic and goal-oriented way. - Better decisions, more efficient operations, service development, innovation…
The aim of knowledge-based management is to turn knowledge into action. The key is therefore how to use data to analyze and interpret the data, what conclusions can be drawn from it and how to change the way we act on the basis of these conclusions. If the data does not lead to action, the data will not be useful. Data-driven management enables significant benefits to be gained, for example in the development of operations and services.
Knowledge-based management as a whole

We describe the whole of knowledge-based management through Creatido’s Knowledge-Based Management Framework. Often, simply looking at the framework opens up ideas about the scope of knowledge-based management and its associated themes. A common understanding makes it easier to start a discussion on how to develop knowledge-based management.
Holistic development of knowledge-based management
We are the first – and only – player to focus solely and exclusively on the development of knowledge-based management itself. Developing the maturity and capability of knowledge-based management in your organization contributes to the long-term competitiveness of your organization.
The holistic development of knowledge-based management takes into account the aspects of managing people and things, as well as structures and operations. Structures provide the basis and makes knowledge-based management possible, but it is only through the actions of individuals and the organization as a whole that these can be realized. The management of things, in this case information and knowledge management, is also a necessity in order to put knowledge into a usable form. As with the previous pair, the potential benefits will only be realized when people become part of the knowledge management process. Recognizing and exploiting these different perspectives is essential to put knowledge-based management on a sustainable footing and to make knowledge truly lead everyday operations and decisions.
To enable knowledge-based management, individual elements such as data, information systems, data management, data governance, business intelligence and reporting solutions, and analytics are needed. However, achieving effectiveness requires a holistic, systematic and long-term strategic development to support individual activities. Knowledge-based management should therefore be managed in the same way as other strategically important areas: clear objectives with a strong link to the objectives of the organization as a whole, management commitment and involvement, and a budget for development are important enablers of knowledge-based management.
Knowledge-based management is not a separate element from the rest of the management of the organization, but aims to support the management of the organization and its people. However, these, together with information and knowledge management itself, act as enablers, or challengers, of knowledge-based management. Where significant challenges to organizational and people management can be identified, these must be addressed in order to move knowledge-based management forward.
The core areas of knowledge-based management
Architecture of knowledge-based management
The aim of the knowledge-based management architecture is to link knowledge to the strategic objectives of the organization and to create a structure for balanced knowledge-based management. The architecture actually lays the foundation for the entire knowledge-based management process, acting as a control center for knowledge-based management and as a glue between the knowledge and management architectures. The main building block of the knowledge-based management architecture is the metrics, and thus the development of metrics and dashboards provides the basis for the wider development of knowledge-based management and enables the creation of activity-based reporting.
Information management
The aim of information management and information governance is to enable the organization to handle information in a specific format. Information management is not an intrinsic value in itself, but it is a necessary part of enabling knowledge-based management. The aim is to harness information management and the technology that supports it to serve operations and management. Information management includes information systems, data management and modelling, data storage solutions and data quality improvement.
Reporting and analytics
The goal of reporting and analytics as part of the overall knowledge-based management is to make information visible and easily usable for the needs of different mission statements, including management desktop-style dashboards. Too often, knowledge-based management is perceived to be just about using reports, and the development of reporting is assumed to solve the challenges of knowledge-based management. When developing reports and data analytics, it is important to consider the information and knowledge needs of users and the context in which the information is used.
Process of knowledge-based management
The aim of the knowledge-based management process is to ensure that the right knowledge for management reaches the right people at the right time, so that they know what to do with that knowledge and how to use it. It is important to identify how information is used in the core processes of the organization and where there are areas for improvement. It is not necessary to slice and dice all processes, but it is important to identify good practices and to describe processes at a level that ensures that information is not missed when the user does not know what to do with the information.
Culture of knowledge-based management
The culture of knowledge-based management is the realization of the organization’s attitudes and values towards knowledge-based management. The culture of knowledge-based management is strongly linked to the organizational culture, and identifying its current state is therefore an important step in the development of knowledge-based management. Culture can be a key enabler of knowledge-based management or, at worst, an inhibitor. Thus, managing and developing culture is important for knowledge-based management to add value to the organization.
Knowledge-based management skills
Knowledge-based management involves a wide range of skills that contribute to the use of knowledge in one’s own activities. It is important to support skills development so that everyone has the right knowledge-based management skills. Leadership skills, interpersonal skills, knowledge innovation and transformation skills, data literacy skills and systems skills are examples of key knowledge-based management competences.
Leading knowledge-based management with the help of our services
The body of knowledge-based management - Creatido® Maturity Analysis
The maturity analysis of knowledge-based management provides a coherent view of the current state of knowledge-based management, its strengths and areas for development. Based on the results of the analysis, you will receive recommendations on the concrete steps required to reach the next level of maturity. The maturity analysis will help you to monitor the development of your knowledge-based management maturity and capability and the impact of your contributions on your organization’s performance.
- Measure the maturity of your knowledge-based management quickly and reliably
- The Maturity Analysis helps you to target development efforts correctly
- Track your development with Creatido® Index and make the impact of your development efforts visible
- The Maturity Analysis helps to increase understanding and enables discussion on knowledge-based management
Leading the way with a knowledge-based management strategy
CREATIDO® Strategy targets your organization’s knowledge-based management efforts on the right things in relation to business benefits. It enables systematic and long-term development towards an optimally insight-driven organization.
CREATIDO® Strategy creates a common direction for the development of knowledge-based management in the organization, i.e. a vision of what knowledge-based management is intended to achieve and what the principles, key development goals and capabilities are that guide knowledge-based management. The direction is crystallized into development packages, which are concretized in a roadmap as responsible and resourced measures to be implemented in practice in the short and longer term.
Assumptions and beliefs about knowledge-based management
Analytics = knowledge-based management?
Often when talking about knowledge-based management, the challenge is that it is interpreted in many different ways. Too often, knowledge-based management is seen as simply reporting and analytics. Reporting is of course a key part of knowledge-based management, making the organization’s data visible and enabling its interpretation, but reporting in itself is not yet knowledge-based management. To make reporting work for an organization, a more holistic approach to data management is needed.
To improve knowledge management, you need to stay on the cutting edge of technology?
Knowledge-based management is intertwined with so many aspects of an organization that technology alone cannot solve the challenges of knowledge-based management. While it is important to identify which technological solutions are key to achieving the right level of knowledge-based management, it is often only through the development of other structures and activities that significant impact can be achieved. The key words in the development of knowledge-based management are balance and holistic.
After all, people have always led with information, nobody leads with guesses, Why do we need knowledge-based management at all?
Surely everyone thinks that informed decision-making is a good thing. But if we are to develop it, we need to recognize that knowledge-based management does not happen by itself, but requires the commitment and effort of the whole organization to make it possible. Increasing volumes of data and growing complexity are putting increasing pressure on knowledge-based management solutions. Improving efficiency, developing services, innovating and anticipating the future is made possible by actively and diversely using information and knowledge at different levels of operation.
How to start developing knowledge-based management?
Do you need clarity on how to develop knowledge-based management? We can help! You can book an appointment for a chat below. Let’s start building sustainable knowledge-based management together!